
Jilinda from Mozambique

Jilinda’s Story:

Jilinda's father died from HIV/AIDS leaving her and her brothers in misery, along with their mom. Jilinda's family was forced to leave the house they were renting, in part, due to the stigma and discrimination related to HIV. Jilinda's mom moved to Beira trying to find a job, but without success. The family is being helped by a good neighbor who tries to give the children something to eat. Jilinda does not want to end up in a premature marriage, but has a dream to receive her education. She prays for a sponsor so she can achieve her dream.
Age: 11
Birthday: January 13, 2013
Gender: Female
Location: Bairro, Madjemane, Mozambique
Favorite Foods: Rice and chicken
Favorite Hobbies: Studying
Favorite Subjects: Portuguese
Reference Code: TK-Mo-522

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