
Sponsor a Child Who Needs Your Support
When you sponsor an AIDS orphan, we are committed to providing food, tuition at a good school, school uniforms, basic medical needs, and a guardian or caregiver. Each guardian or caregiver has committed to providing the best home environment for each of Terry’s Kids. An AIDS orphan is defined as a child 16 years of age or under who has had at least one parent die from an HIV infection disease. The other parent may be alive but is most often too sick to provide for their family. We ask each sponsor to make at least a one-year commitment to that child.

Sponsor a Youth Who Needs Your Support
With your support, our older AIDS orphans, those youth over 17 years of age, will have the chance to further their education. Some still need to finish their High School experience but will attend a better quality school to prepare them for their future. Those who have already finished high school hope and pray to move on to Trade School, a College, or University for which they qualify. We ask each sponsor to make at least a one-year commitment to that youth.
Already sponsoring a Terry’s Kid or Amy’s Friend?
First of all, Thank you for your support! Here are some additional things you can do:
Pray for Them
“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” – James 1:27
Share your prayer for your orphan by clicking one of the social media buttons on your orphans page.
Write a Letter
Sharing the love of Jesus Christ in written form has been around for thousands of years. Encouraging words, a prayerful thought or even just sharing what life in your family is like can go very far in the lives of these young, struggling sons and daughters of God.
Special Gift
Since mailing packages to orphans is very expensive, we encourage our sponsors to bless them with a special financial “gift” in which we can purchase items in their name. Consider birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, or any special occasion! What a great opportunity to show your child the joy of giving.