How excited I am that you are interested in joining us for our next mission’s trip to Tanzania & Kenya from October 1 to 17, 2022, HIVAfrica 2022. Both countries are unique in their culture and history within the continent of Africa and will provide us a great opportunity to serve the HIV/AIDS community. I can guarantee this to be a life-changing experience both for you and for those whom you will meet. Our Team will consist of medical and non-medical volunteers and each of us will offer a very personal expression of God’s love to these very poor and needy people. After traveling together to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, we will travel together for 16 days by bus with at least five “outreaches” in five different villages in each country. We will end up in Mombasa, Kenya then on to our safari. Please know that YOU have much to offer whether it’s medical help, or playing with the kids, or passing out clothing, or giving out reading glasses, or giving a family a goat, or a hoe, a machete and all kinds of things that will bless them all. We will laugh and cry together and hug those sweet kids and share the hope only Jesus can give. I encourage you to pray about going, talk it over with your friends, your family, and your pastor.
If you are ready, please visit our Mission Trip Volunteer Application page fill-out the application and with it send in your required deposit. This $300 deposit is necessary to hold your place on the Team. And remember, this journey is tax-deductible for anyone contributing for you to go, including donations you make toward your own trip. All monies must be in by June 15, 2022. You will then be assigned a number, TK22-xx-000 to which donations for your trip will be held. We’ll provide materials in helping you all the way we can to reaching your goal.
The cost of HIVAfrica trip is $ 3,740 from Los Angeles! This includes meals (breakfast and dinner), air and ground transportation, travel insurance (new this year), and accommodations in good hotels. It also includes a 2-day safari in Amboseli National Park in Kenya at the foot of Mt. Kilamenjaro with many wild animals in a beautiful resort, Ol Tukai Lodge. But, not included are your personal passport, country visas, transportation to Los Angeles or needed medical vaccinations (yellow fever). So, get your deposit in right away to hold your spot.
Have a question about this trip?
Visit our Mission Inquiry page
As the Scripture says in James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress …”. Would you please join us as we serve Him by serving those facing this pandemic of HIV/AIDS? Thank you and may God bless you.