
Marjan from Kenya

Marjan’s Story:

Ramadhan stays with his mother in the slums of Mtwapa. His mother is HIV positive and has no job, but she does house chores for people and sometimes sells fried potatoes to put food on the table for the family. Ramadhan's father left him when he was so young that he doesn't even remember him. Ramadhan would greatly benefit from being sponsored as it would help meet some of his basic needs as well as allow him to attend school. Ramadhan is thankful to have a sponsor!
Age: 8
Birthday: January 20, 2017
Gender: Male
Location: Mombasa, Mtwapa, Kenya
Favorite Foods: Chicken and chapati
Favorite Hobbies: Playing, dancing
Favorite Subjects: Swahili
Reference Code: TK-K-462

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