
Pratham from Nepal

Pratham’s Story:

Pratham's father died due to HIV when Pratham was only two years old. He lives with his mother who struggles to provide for them. She works other people's land when work is available while caring for Pratham. He has not been able to attend school due to their living situation and poor financial condition. To attend a government school would require Pratham to daily walk for two hours to get to and from the school. They cannot afford the school fees of the private school closer to them. Pratham says he really wants to go to school like the other kids he sees while sitting with his working mother in a field. A sponsor would give Pratham an opportunity to attend school and give him hope for a better future!
Age: 7
Birthday: August 31, 2017
Gender: Male
Location: Bhakunde Besi, Nepal
Favorite Hobbies: Playing with toys
Reference Code: TK-N-541

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