
He Intends Victory circles the globe with the hope that only Jesus Christ offers, providing information, counseling, support, and care.
He Intends Victory is a non-profit California 501 (c) 3 corporation entirely supported by concerned individuals or similar organizations sharing the vision of this ministry. We do not solicit or accept any government funding or grants. We survive on support from people like you.
Would you consider making a donation today?
What is Our Purpose:
- To encourage a Christian witness within the HIV/AIDS community and to promote faith in Jesus Christ as a living and personal God.
- To help those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS who are vulnerable worldwide.
- To support churches in outreach opportunities to their HIV/AIDS members, their families and the local community.
- To provide both a loving Christian witness and “acts of kindness” both nationally and internationally wherever people living with or impacted by HIV/AIDS reside.
What We Are Looking For:
- Individuals, churches, and foundations who wish to partner with us
- Prayer support for those living with HIV/AIDS
- Short-term Mission’s partners
- Monetary donations
Services We Provide:
AIDS education and encouragement
AIDS orphan care
AIDS food programs
HIV+ Mothers Clothing program
Direct Care Program
School sponsorships for children
School sponsorships for youth
Rural farm education programs
Micro-economic programs
Emergency Food Distribution
Livestock for Families
HIV Educational and Training Seminars
HIV+ Speakers worldwide
HIV+ Women Empowerment Training
Hospital visitation
Emergency Medical care
Funeral Care
Support Groups
Women’s/Men’s Prison ministry
Children in prison ministry
Water for Life in Africa
Tribal Outreach programs
Terry’s Kids
Amy’s Friends