Joni and I began sponsoring 13-year-old Mark Wandyaka of Uganda in December of 2011 as a young AIDS orphan in need of quality education. With both of his parents having died of HIV infection and Mark himself living with HIV, he has refused to let his...
When he joined our board in 1997, Rusty Veary was already deeply committed to this ministry to those affected and infected by HIV/AIDS, through his marriage to former board member, Jennifer Holmstrom Veary, who has lived with HIV for 27 years. Beyond serving at the...
Give a goat to a child in desperate need: just $55 to save a life! In Africa, in Asia, and around the world, orphans and boys and girls with widowed mothers devastated by HIV/AIDS are being raised in extreme poverty; facing deadly malnutrition and isolation . . . He...
An article called Sad! HIV-positive man, 52, has passed waste through his stomach for 10 years was posted September 2017 by and was quoted saying “With the help of He Intends Victory Uganda, an NGO that cares for people affected by HIV, he sought...