

Rihan’s father is HIV+ and has been unconscious for two years now. Rihan’s mother is not able to work outside of their home because of looking after her husband. Rihan has stopped going to school because his mother cannot afford the school fees. There are...


Prabin’s mother died of HIV infection when he was three years old. He lives with his father who is also HIV+. Prabin’s father does not have any source of income as people shun them because of the stigma of HIV/AIDS so they are very poor and needy.


Jenish’s father died of HIV infection when Jenish was six. His mother is HIV+ and she often gets sick. They have been abandoned by their relatives because of the stigma of HIV. Jenish needs support to have his basic needs met and to attend school.


Ram lost his mother when he was one and his father deserted him and his twin brother. Ram and his twin live with his elderly grandmother who works as a maid in people’s houses. Life is difficult for this family.


Samridha’s mother was infected by a man positive with HIV who deserted her when she found out she was pregnant. She is HIV+ and is often treated badly and not been able to find work. Life is difficult for Samridha.