Tehila’s father died of a heart attack leaving her HIV+ mother to care for her. It is a constant struggle just to provide one meal a day, so Tehila primarily stays with her grandmother who is a small scale farmer. Tehila is intelligent and wants to do well in...
Joko lost his father due to complications of HIV and heart failure. Joko lives with his mother who tries to take care of all his needs. Joko likes going to school.
Rosemary has lost both of her parents and is being looked after by her grandmother. Her grandmother and aunt cultivate some farm products to bring food to the house. Rosemary would be greatly blessed by a sponsor.
Josephine’s father died in 2015 due to cancer. Since then she has been brought up by her mother who is HIV+. Her mother’s source of income is through small businesses to sustain the family. Josephine’s career goal is to become a journalist when she...