
There are only a few days left in the year . . . and our ability to reach out to men, women, children, widows, and families around the world in the year ahead will largely be determined by how strong we finish 2011.

The need right now for help and hope around the world is greater than ever . . .
will you respond in Jesus’ name with a generous gift of support now?

Over 16 million of children around the world are suffering because of HIV/AIDS in their parents lives — it breaks my heart and makes me want to shout out loud to anyone who will listen that the fight against HIV/AIDS is not over yet. And we must reach those who are suffering with the help and the hope of Jesus Christ before it’s too late.

Please give now . . . any amount will help.

And remember, you can deduct any gift you give by December 31 from your 2011 taxes.

Until it’s over,