
HIV Africa2010: Terri Gilbert

What is your name and what was your role on the trip? Terri Gilbert and my role was to help wherever needed. This year I helped with crowd control, handing out items like rice, beans, and mosquito nets. Have you been to Africa before? If so, how many times? Yes. This...

HIV Africa2010: Lorrayne Carpenter

What is your name and what was your role on the trip? My name is Lorrayne Carpenter and my role was to provide nursing assistance to the physician while treating sick or injured villagers. (I am also the resident mom. I bring the food…band-aids…do the...

Was HIVAfrica 2010 a success?

Yes it was! I’ve received the totals for this years ministry in Uganda and Kenya. Our goal was to provide direct services (something in hand and Jesus in heart) to 3,000 people. Last year our goal was 2,000 people but we reached 2,616 people. So here goes- We...
How does HIV touch me daily #2

How does HIV touch me daily #2

This week I have concerns about not having insurance. After thirty three years of paying for Blue Cross (over $1100 month out of my pocket for premiums and co-pay) I opted to cancel and turn to the County Health Department when I need check-up’s and blood work and...
How does HIV touch me daily #2

How does HIV touch me daily #1

How does HIV touch me daily? I hope to write every few weeks about how this disease affects us on a daily basis. Besides living in my body, this virus affects me more often than I’d like. Some positive ways are when I can share with others how to prevent the spread of...