by He Intends Victory | Aug 3, 2015
Welcome to He Intends Victory Zambia, a Christian Ministry supporting those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS through innovation and integrated health and development. We are part of the Global Network of He Intends Victory and believe that we “can do everything...
by He Intends Victory | Jun 23, 2014
I want you to all to know everything is so good in God. Thank you from Hanoi. Yet we need your prayer- For HIV support group members that are still struggling with drug addiction. For the AIDS orphans who need a home and someone to love them. For jobs for support...
by He Intends Victory | Jun 23, 2014
Over 30 Years!! That’s how long He Intends Victory has been serving those facing HIV/AIDS ever day. Over the years we have seen HIV infection grow, medications become available, people living longer, and the hope of Jesus Christ still active and endless! Today...
by He Intends Victory | Jun 23, 2014
Mark was born with HIV in April of 1996. He often shares, “The first day of my life was the last day of my mother’s!” Shortly after, his father deserted him and later died of HIV infection and left him as a true orphan. Mark’s aunt and seven...
by He Intends Victory | Jun 23, 2014
Please pray for all of us in Lome, Togo and beyond as we reach out to those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. God is good and faithful and we thank you for standing with us.