

For HIVAfrica 2013, our mission (June27 – July 14) will be a little different. We are dividing into 2 teams of 11 people (from 8 states).

Team Medical and Care Outreach will go forward as we regularly do with our Team leader and doctor, Kathy O’Connell, three nurses, and support persons who will distribute blankets, mosquito nets, worm pills, medications, clothing, hoes, machetes, seeds, mattresses and a million hugs in the name of Jesus.

The Vacation Bible School (VBS) Team will do something well-known in America amongst most churches, but rarely if ever done in Africa, especially for AIDS orphans. Team VBS will be serving 420 AIDS orphans with fun, crafts, T-shirts, lunch, skits, games and a million hugs in the name of Jesus. This is a huge undertaking doing it 7 times in two countries and three languages! Led by Joni Sonnenberg, Lori Buccino, and Amy Bringhurst this team will break ground in the hearts of those children so often forgotten completely about.

Over the 18 days, the team hopes to share the Gospel of Jesus in very real demonstrations of God’s love to over 3000 people.